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Large Poster Frame Mockup
Large Poster Frame Mockup

Large Poster Frame Mockup

This is a Large Poster Frame Mockup Template which is great for showcasing your Art Canvas, Poster, Picture/Photo or flyer design presentation in the unique way. You can also use this free poster mockup in order to catch people and your client’s attention and give your poster design presentation a photorealistic appearance. This Large Poster Mockup PSD is best for any photographer, artist or graphic designer who wants to showcase their work in a realistic indoor environment. In this poster Frame mockup template shows poster frame in the dinning room along with other real still life objects around the frame to enhance the beauty of the scene. Whether you sell prints or just want to show your clients how their photos will look framed, you gonna love this Poster Frame Mockup. The Large Poster Frame Mockup file contains perfectly placed smart-object layers which allow you to quickly add or replace your own artwork inside the wooden frame. Hope you like it. Enjoy!

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